Here are some pretty things I've come across this week,
from some blog
or catalog
or friend
or magazine
or another;
or just from my own browsing&shopping&surfing,
that I need to convince My Prince to dole out the cash for...
(The Hancock pattern, if you are interested in such things.)
But recently, I have become increasingly enamored with Wedgwood. This is thanks in no small part to
Martha Stewart, who has
a collection with Wedgwood. I've also recently seen some lovely Wedgwood featured on the always wonderful
Martha Moments blog.
The Harlequin Polka Dot collection appeals to me for a variety of reasons.
I love the soft, pastel colors.
I adore the idea of sitting down to a semi-formal afternoon tea with this china.
(& I think it has a whimsical feel to it, conjuring up images of Wonderland...)
Okay, well, this is a bit uncharacteristic for my "What I Want" posts.
& this is not my pink&green kitchen concept, at all.
How great is this kitchen?!
& it invokes my
black&white/red/turquoise combination that I've dreamed up for our master bedroom. I get newly excited about it, & inspired that it can work well, every time I see it done so nicely - in any room!
So, in wandering back toward the "What I Want" concept, here are some "fresh retro" kitchen items that I legitimately would like to buy, that could work in my bold pink&green kitchen:
My refrigerator runneth over, with...
photo cards,
How about yours? I desperately need something like this.
My plan is to hang a board on the back of the pantry door (which usually stays closed now), for more "temporary" messages...
...emails printed out with dates for dinners,
grocery lists,
meeting reminders,
Then the refrigerator door can remain the primary posting spot for the prettier
that I like to keep hanging up for longer.
Vintage Mid-Century Eames Kitchen Towel from
This is so fun! Not that I need any more kitchen towels, though. I have so many now that I can barely close the drawer they're in. & that's with them neatly folded!
I am embarking on a project to hang a green shelf on the wall above/behind our kitchen sink. I am going to move my prettiest cookbooks off of the counter & onto this shelf. My artistic Prince has even offered to freehand some bright pink Lilly-esque designs onto the front of the shelf!
I think this little retro planter would be adorable just to one side of the sink, under my new cookbook shelf, with a couple pretty little bright flowers in it.
Aaa! How cute will these be on my kitchen counter?! I'm not just going to leave it completely bare once I move the cookbooks.
(& I won't cry if these get I did when my favorite Lilly cookbook/entertaining book got wet...& had to be replaced...)
Whew, I've got to admit to y'all that this post took some work! I am not a seasoned shopper when it comes to antiquey/retro/vintage things. I think so many people are so talented at putting it all together to look so nice, & I really want to hone the talent to do that!
So it was work...
...but it was fun work;
& it has inspired me to do a bit more dabbling in the antiques!
(Well, in the "vintage" listings on Etsy, anyway...;))
T.G.I.F.! What do YOU want for your kitchen this weekend?
I have two cookbook shelves and I just love having all my recipes so close to me when I'm cooking. Some of my baking books are a little messy, but if any water ruined one, I'd cry too!
ReplyDeleteI just love the retro kitchen! Wouldn't it be fun to be able to build and design your dream kitchen from scratch?
That tea set collection is precious! Hope yall have a great weekend! ~andrea