Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wishful (&Grateful) Wednesday
"I wish..."
I could relive one Easter memory from my childhood, & it would be my mama's homemade Easter basket cake!
I hate that I don't have any of the actual photos - they're at my mama's house - to share with y'all, because I'm telling you that my mama's Easter basket cake was genius. I believe I must have been about five years old that Easter, as I remember that in all of the photos of my little cousin Jackie, he was still crawling. & he is about four years younger than I am.
Anyway, that was also a particularly fun Easter because I was old enough to really make lifelong memories.
My parents would have driven me up to my grandparents' from where we lived about six hours away;
one of my very first "best friends" lived right next door to my grandparents';
my aunt&uncle lived about twenty minutes away with their boys;
another aunt&uncle lived about ten minutes away with their brood of about seven or eight;
& I am almost certain that my closest-in-age-&-otherwise girl cousins,
had gotten to come all the way down to Alabama,
from Chicago!,
with their parents.
It was more than likely the only Easter that so many of the grandchildren were able to get together at my grandparents'. Truly a special Holiday!
I remember that we made homemade ice cream in a homemade ice cream maker out in the front yard, with my pawpaw&uncle. Back then, before they got older & moved next door to my mama's older brother, my grandparents lived on a mountain top, waaay back from the road. You could just barely see the top of their driveway from the end of the driveway at the road. There were a couple huge trees right at the end of the driveway, & then all along the sides of the driveway. The rest of the (huge) lawn was just
(& my pawpaw loved to ride that lawnmower, so you can bet that lawn was freshly mowed for us grandkids that weekend, too!)
We had what may have been the world's longest-lasting Easter egg hunt. I remember that I had to get special permission to walk all the way out to the edge of the road with my cousins to look for the last of the hidden eggs out by those big trees. That's because it was almost dark by then.
& oh, how I love the photos my mama has of me in that little gem of an Easter dress - with, yes (of course!), a beautiful little white Easter hat to match.
But what I remember most vividly, & what I've been dreaming of recreating for years, was my mama's legendary Easter basket cake. She may have gotten the idea from some
or magazine,
or another;
but the final product was all her creation. It was
made with cream cheese frosting,
covered in coconut;
& it was decorated with multicolored jelly beans,
perfectly arranged all over.
I won't be recreating it this year, as we are visiting a couple of our dearest friends at their house for Easter weekend. Saturday is their daughter's first birthday party!, & we haven't been able to see them since...August?
(Has it been that long? It's been too long, anyway.)
We are going to do Easter supper with my mama here at our house Friday night, & have the Easter Bunny drop by then, too.
(Because who wants to carry a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe three hours away, unload it, reload it, & drive it back home? Not us!)
I am going to do some baking&cooking this weekend, but nothing as monumental as the Easter basket cake recreation.
Besides, Pretty Little Bare Feet is only fourteen months old, so I'm not sure she'll be able to truly appreciate & remember the wonder of it just yet.
I was able to round up some Easter basket cakes in the spirit of what my mama made. Maybe you'll be inspired to design one of your own, too!
(source: All Recipes)
(source: Disney Family Fun)
(source: Pink Cake Box)
(source: Kaboose)
(source: Wilton)
(source: Chocolate Bakery)
Happy Easter!
Oh! & you were wondering about that "grateful" part of the title?
Well, a belated thank you very muchness! to pretty Kelly Marie over at Confessions of a Law School Drop Out, for giving me this lovely award:
*I am passing it on to these three lovely blogs:
& also thank you to Sarah at Honey, Sugah, Dahlin' for a Preppy Mafia tag!
Wishful Wednesday
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
My Style Monday, March 29th, 2010
Uh, remember how yesterday I told you the Preppy Mafia was taking over the world, one monogram at a time? Well, at the very least, one meme at a time - as evidenced by the Preppy Mafia influence on today's My Style Monday topic.
(Thank you, Angie, for filling my heart with joy when I saw what it was!)
It's My Style Monday...
Preppy Style Edition!
Some inspiration for decorating your house in the same fabulous preppy style that decorates you!:
(& your blog...& your Minnie...& your office...&...) ;)
(source: House Beautiful)
(source: the Washington Post)
(source: Pink&Green Scene)
(source: Pottery Barn Kids)
(source: DecorPad)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Preppy Mafia Socialite Crown
The Preppy Mafia has a new award to tag...
...I've been crowned a "socialite!"
(I do try...;))
The Preppy Mafia is taking over the world, one monogram at a time. Thank you to the lovely Emma of the Other Shore for tagging me with this award. She is one of my sweetest followers (& commenters!), & she also has a cute blog you should go check out.
*Click on the above button, & then paste it on your blog/site.
*Answer the questions below.
*Pass on to ten bloggers that you love.
*Let them know they've been "crowned socialites" with this award/tag.
1. Who is your style icon?
Laura Jeanne "Reese" Witherspoon.
Although she hasn't been around long enough to achieve the same "timeless" reputation of other favorites (I love Audrey Hepburn, former First Lady Jacqueline Lee "Jackie O" Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, & Lilly Pulitzer); she is definitely one of my favorites to watch today.
(She is also a fantastic actress - love her in Cruel Intentions, Election, Legally Blonde, Sweet Home Alabama, & Walk the Line. & I admire her commitment to such organizations as the Avon Foundation, the Children's Defense Fund, & Save the Children.)
& she is as Southern as Southern gets - of course I am admittedly biased toward family-oriented, traditional ladies from the South. ;)
Some favorite labels from my own wardrobe that my style icon also loves:
Nanette Lepore,
2. What is your favorite socialite lit book?
Four Blondes by Candace Bushnell.
"Chronicles the glittering lives of semi-celebrities, social aspirants, & moneyed folk...[with] withering precision."
-New York Times
I read this book way back in the summer of 2001 when it first came out. I had never even seen Sex & the City at that point, but it was the summer after my high school graduation, & I wanted something fluffy&fun to read. I've read a couple other Candace Bushnell novels since then; & while all were good, this was by far my favorite of hers.
(BTW, who's excited for Sex & the City 2? I'm taking my mama to see it for her birthday in May!)
3. Favorite party theme?
Mardi Gras!
Technically, I've only been to one official Mardi Gras ball (the Mystics of Time&Knights in downtown Mobile - & it was wonderful!). But I've been to quite a few Mardi Gras
& parties;
(home of America's oldest Mardi Gras tradition!),
New Orleans,
& various other Southern cities.
What's fabulous about Mardi Gras?
bright colors,
bright lights,
Dixieland jazz bands,
fortune tellers,
gold coins,
king cakes,
Moon Pies,
(Yes, please!)
4. Go-to Halloween costume?
Marilyn Monroe.
I love it. While I've gone to Halloween parties to find another bee, or another Dorothy, I've somehow managed to never encounter a duplicate Marilyn. I have
the platinum blonde wig,
several great shades of red lipstick,
the superlong fake eyelashes...
...& it's easy to create a last-minute beauty mark.
It's also a great excuse to find a new cocktail dress, & some new flashy jewelry...neither of which I'll spend very much on for a Halloween costume!
(Princesses are also pretty cute&easy to create last-minute!)
5. Extravagance(s) you cannot live without?
Bobbi Brown hydrating face cream,
Bombay Sapphire gin,
customized stationery,
fresh flowers,
Philosophy bubble bath...
6. Living person(s) you admire?
My mama & My Prince.
I hope to be as good a mama to Pretty Little Bare Feet, as my mama has been to me. To earn my own daughter's admiration would be an indescribable accomplishment for me. & of course I admire My amazing Prince, for being a great
...& man.
7. Greatest fear?
Loss of my loved ones.
8. Trait you deplore in yourself?
Although I suppose technically it's a disorder, as opposed to an actual character trait. It's still difficult to live with sometimes. I don't want to be
or inattentive.
& I wish I didn't daydream, or procrastinate.
9. Which talent would you most like to have?
Specifically, the visual arts -
fashion design,
graphic design,
I admire it. & I can enjoy it, if I am able to shrug off my critical internal perfectionist.
(Wine helps.)
Oh, I can doodle things that pass for what they're supposed to be, but it doesn't come naturally. & it's by no means "good." See evidence here.
10. Greatest achievement(s)?
My marriage,
my daughter,
my law degree.
The first two outweigh the third, by far; but it was too much hard work & mental anguish to discount the third entirely.
Blogs I love, by bloggers I am crowning "socialites"...
Friday, March 26, 2010
What I Want This Weekend, March 26th, 2010
Sorry I didn't do last weekend's "What I Want" post. All I wanted last weekend was a healthy child. =(

So here are some pretty things I've come across this week,
from some blog
or catalog
or friend
or magazine
or another;
or just from my own browsing&shopping&surfing,
that I need to convince My Prince to dole out the cash for...
Uh, how adorable are these? I've got to be honest - I have my limits on how much money I'm willing to drop for cuteness, but I was really, seriously considering buying these sweet things to put on Pretty Little Bare Feet's pretty little bare feet...
...until I found these! Just as cute (well, okay, almost), but without the guilt of knowing I had really spent too much on impractical, soon-to-be-grown-out-of, toddler shoes...that look like mice.
(But come on, these little toddler shoes look like mice! & they're dress shoes - not house shoes! Love 'em!)
Baby, Be of Use Series by Lisa Brown
Okay, yes, you could construe these as awful, if you take them seriously. But they are obviously meant to be funny; & Lord knows, if we mommies of toddlers couldn't laugh, we'd all go insane.
(Or was that song about a different group of people, Jimmy?)
Anyway, y'all know I love board books...hehehe...
Custom Thank You Notes & Address Labels from Gracie Girl Notes
The ones with the chocolate brown dippy dot rain boots, with strawberry envelopes, are my favorites. But pretty much everything in this Etsy shop is adorable. & I am such a hopeless stationery junkie that I can't help myself when I find something that really stands out amongst all of the stationery I obsess over peruse on a regular basis.
Cutaway V Maxi Dress in Cricket Navy at Martin&Osa
I found another pretty summer dress! I found another pretty summer dress! I love this one, & I want to add it to my exponentially-increasing collection of pretty summer dresses.
& I'm curious about what y'all think...should short, petite ladies like myself be wearing these long, flowy maxi dresses? Especially with prints?
I wear them, & I love them. But for the life of me, I am not sure if they are flattering on me or not. But Nicole Richie is short&tiny, & I think she usually looks fabulous in them. So surely they're great on short, tiny moi, right?
(Although I'm no Nicole Richie - I do realize that!)
Oh, & I have had mine hemmed up by a tailor, so I'm not dragging them along the ground when I wear them!
I have these Gypsy 05 maxi dresses from 2008, that I love love love, & wore to death the last couple summers.
Gypsy 05 Liza Maxi Dress in Black/Gray
Gypsy 05 Alex Silk Tie-Dye Maxi Dress in Pink/Blue/White
& I just scored two more of their maxi dresses from Ideeli last week.
I just love these because they are so comfortable, & so easy to wear pretty much anywhere. You can also easily throw a cardigan over them to make them a bit more appropriate for
more formal meetings,
(Well, except for the tie-dye, anyway - I loved the colors of that one, & I think I can style it so that it's not so hippie, but I still wouldn't wear it to church! LOL)
Gypsy 05 Gisele Tank Top
(I love my Gypsy 05 tank tops, too! They are great casual summer tops, or even bathing suit cover-ups!)
Dotted Greetings Dress by Odille at Anthropologie
This one doesn't exactly fit the maxi dress bill that I was just pushing, but it is another pretty summer dress that I am excited about getting.
(I'm thinking..."What are our plans for the Fourth, this year?")
& I do know that this style of dress is very flattering on my short, petite frame. I also take advantage of a tailor for even these lengths of dresses. It makes such a difference in the overall effect of the dress, worn by a shorter lady, if it retains the same appearance of how it fit on the runway models - & that calls for tailoring!
Anyway, I know most of you are aware of how wonderful Anthropologie is. It is one of my favorite shops to stroll through with Pretty Little Bare Feet, too, as she is always mesmerized by all of the colors & different fabrics around her. & I'm pretty sure I could do a whole post on all of the things I want from their home selection.
T.G.I.F.! What do YOU want this weekend?
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