Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wordless Wednesday, September 29th, 2010
(Well, I have to put a few words here to explain my absence, don't I? Sorry, loves, but with all that had been going on, I had a mountain of cleaning, emails, laundry, snail mail, to-do lists, etc. that needed my attention before my beloved blog did. & I am just getting the hang of this whole nursery school thing - whoa, I have to bring in fruit trays for parties, & keep a cubby stocked, & sign field trip permission slips...who knew?! ;) & that's just part of having a child in the class. Remember that yours truly signed on to be a room mom? Yes, that adds even more to that list! Anyway, I am beginning to feel back on schedule, or at least back in control of my daily routine & planner. So here's to more frequent, happy posting - including an award post & some new plans in the works! - in the upcoming month of's one of my favorite months!)
(Where has September gone so quickly?!)
(PS. Pretty Little Bare Feet is A-okay! The heart murmur that was detected is an innocent one, with nothing showing on an ultrasound to indicate any distress. In fact, the pediatric cardiologist predicts she'll probably "outgrow" it. Thank you for your kind prayers&thoughts!)
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, September 20, 2010
& All I Feel is Black&White...
Just got my little fall catalog from my old classic go-to retailer of less colorful years past...

...& I must say,
"Thank you, White House / Black Market, for not muddying up another season of your classic, clean, iconic black&white (& gray) splendor - you know, that we had once come to expect from you - with excessive random splashes of blue, pink, red, etc. Just...thank you..."
(all available at White House / Black Market)
"...Oh, & P.S., I really, really want those leather spectator shooties that are featured all throughout the catalog. You know, the black&*white* ones? Not the decidedly less stunning black-on-black suede&patent shooties that are on the website? So if you could get on that...Thanks." ;)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
A Sunday Afternoon Game of Tag
Dana at Eclectic Prep tagged me with this little award in a recent post, & I am just now giving myself a moment to play along. Thank you, Dana! I've seen this one once or twice lately, & doing this was a welcome fun break from such a hectic week!

(Do go visit Dana's blog Eclectic Prep, if you have not already...I must reiterate that she is fabulous!)
1. What is your signature color?
Finn Ponte Shift in Hotty Pink by Lilly Pulitzer
Well, I suppose since I have been called out twice in the last week or so for "coordinating" my agenda to my bag to my iPhone case to my jewelry to my MacBook to my outfit...when in reality I just have so much in pink&green that it naturally happens sometimes that it all matches up on the same day...clearly my signature color is pink!
2. What has been your most embarrassing moment?
As the rather clumsy, usually hurried mama of a toddler, my embarrassing moments are plentiful. So plentiful, really, that I'm hardly embarrassed by most of them anymore. Dropping things, spilling things, walking into things - those don't even phase me. However, I will admit that I was pretty ruffled by a wardrobe malfunction at one particular playgroup pool day this summer.
Before I had removed my tunic, I had pretty much waited until any sketchy old retired men had left the pool. (We were swimming at my momfriend's lake community pool.) Not that I didn't feel comfortable in the little Lilly bikini I'd worked so hard to feel comfortable in, but I've never been a big fan of old men leering at me - even rich old men. When their early bird lunches apparently beckoned them away, I pulled off my tunic & scampered into the pool with a giggling Pretty Little Bare Feet. She was delighted to be in the "big" pool with me, & I was delighted to be cooled off & more comfortable. So delighted, in fact, that my momfriends had time to get their fits of laughter under control before they alerted me that Pretty Little Bare Feet had untied my bikini top, a fact I was unaware of.
Thank God I am so genuinely comfortable with my group of momfriends, or I might have cried. Although I work hard to maintain my size, I am not without most every lady's common insecurities, & I do not find it ladylike to flaunt a lot of skin. Lesson learned: even if one whittles one's frame back to its pre-pregnancy size, it is still prudent to invest in a one-piece bathing suit for pool playtime with toddlers, & to save the string bikinis for getaways with one's husband.
Cinch One-Piece Printed Bathing Suit in Turquoise Fresh Catch Toile by Lilly Pulitzer
3. Would you ever get anything besides your ears pierced?
Do people still do other piercings? I thought the "trend" of getting piercings had come&gone. I barely wear earrings more than once a month or so, & I for sure don't have any desire to adorn myself with, or take care of, any other piercings!
4. Are you a homebody or a social butterfly?
A social butterfly. It just comes naturally to me. Even though I know that I put too much on my plate, I thrive on staying busy. & I enjoy being around people too much to keep to myself. It is extremely rare for Pretty Little Bare Feet & I to spend an entire day at home without having an appointment, a class, a date, a meeting, or at least a shopping trip.
& I enjoy staying involved with social clubs & organizations, as well! As many as I can handle without going crazy. (Or at least without staying crazy all the time; I do get a bit crazy with overscheduling sometimes, & my agenda cries out in pain.)
5. Are you done having babies, or do you want more?
We want at least one more, maybe within the next year or two. A second pregnancy would have to be drastically different from my difficult first pregnancy, however, for us to want to put my body through it a third time...But even if we decided we wanted a third, that would be years down the road, & that would definitely be when I would be absolutely done having babies!
6. Do you remain loyal to your hairstylist, or do you try every new one in town?
(from: Steel Magnolias)
I am so loyal to my hairstylist that I have been going to her since I was about thirteen years old! (Which, incidentally, is around about the time I began needing, ahem, assistance, remaining as platinum blonde as the good Lord gave me naturally in my childhood.) Even though I went to college all the way in Ohio, I came home for my color touch-ups, & only ever allowed my college town hairstylist to trim my ends & wax my eyebrows. I absolutely adore my hairstylist. She is a gem, & the small mountain town hair salon is something you'd have to see to believe, & experience to appreciate. ;) Always feels like home sweet home!
7. How many times have you moved in your life?
Oh, my, I can't even begin to tell you. I believe we moved a few times when I was a small child, always within the state of Alabama. But I stayed in one place from the age of six until I graduated high school, except for a brief period at boarding school. Then I moved out of state for college, spent time living abroad during one summer off from college...& I believe I have moved at least a half dozen times since college - what with graduate school, law school, getting married, graduating law school, following My Prince to his dream job, etc. But we're done moving. For the long-term foreseeable future. Thank God.
8. If you could plan a vacation with just you & your love, where would it be?
Well, we've once or twice planned a vacation for just the two of us, since Pretty Little Bare Feet arrived, but completely random events have happened that prevented our going, or demanded our taking her with us. & I guess since the last time it fell through, we've just sort of rested on our laurels as far as actually cooking up another "just the two of us" escape. For overnights, anyway. We do relish our date nights!
I so enjoyed my time living in Mexico, while I was studying Spanish. I also enjoyed several Mexican vacations I've been on...Acapulco, Cozumel, Puerto Vallarta. I love the art, the beaches, the churches, the festivals, the history, the music, the resorts, the restaurants, the shopping, the tequila! I love it all, & although we have each been to Mexico, My Prince & I have not experienced a Mexican vacation together! So I would love to plan a vacation for us to Mexico. Maybe to one of the fabulous aforementioned destinations that I am familiar with, or maybe to luxurious Cabo San Lucas. Vamos!
Keep Calm & Drink a Margarita Poster in Slate Blue by Keep Calm Shop
5 blogs I tag for "a Daily Scoop of Chaos":
(Sorry if I've just tagged you if you're already done this...I really am trying to catch back up with everybody after this crazy week!)
Friday, September 17, 2010
What I Want This Weekend, QVC?! Edition 2010
Here are some pretty things I've come across this week,
from QVC
(Yes, really!)
that I need to convince My Prince to dole out the cash for...
So let's be honest, y'all. Do any of you ever shop from QVC?
(I have to admit that I used to turn my nose up at it a bit.)
But I do remember that back when I was a little girl, my mama used to order Christmas ornaments, & some of the toys for my Christmas gifts, from QVC. & I do remember getting some pretty cute stuff!
(I specifically recall a little Hello Kitty playset with a little swan carriage, that I have never been able to find anyplace again. Isn't it funny how you all of a sudden remember the most random childhood toys, once you have a child of your own to buy them for? & of course my mama swears I never played with it anymore, & thus there was no reason to keep it, much like my justification for when I de-clutter Pretty Little Bare Feet's toy collection. Ooo, there was also this little Sesame Street train set...)
That was back in the day when you would actually watch QVC on television to see what they were selling, then call in & place an order with an operator. How time-consuming that seems in our click-click-click world of today!
(Okay, so I am about to admit that I am no longer ashamed to say I occasionally order from QVC, but are any of y'all actually guilty of *watching* QVC? 'Fess up! ;))
The first time I ordered from QVC - you know, as an adult who professes to have good taste - was last Christmas. I had been telling my mama that I wanted to order the American Girl "Girl of the Year" doll for Pretty Little Bare Feet's first Christmas.
Now I know that y'all are all shaking your heads at what an imbecile first-time mama I was to buy my not-even-one-year-old (at the time) daughter an American Girl doll. But you know what? There are only a handful of Christmases that are going to go by when I am pretty much allowed to buy whatever Christmas gifts I please, without any consideration to requests for Santa Claus that I don't understand or actually desire to fill. Pretty Little Bare Feet got plenty of other age-appropriate gifts. & I figure in a few years, she's going to be wanting an American Girl doll, & I like to think it will be special that she'll have the one that was "born" the very same year that she was!
(Pretty Little Bare Feet w/ her American Girl & her granny, Christmas 2009)
(& in fact she absolutely adored the doll & was very gentle with it all day Christmas day, before I put it up in her playroom to be brought back down for real play in a couple years. She just loves all of her little baby dolls right now, especially some of my old Cabbage Patch Babies from when I was a little girl. I think we may get her one of the American Girl Bitty Babies for Christmas this year, or for her second birthday in January. Any mamas out there have any experience with giving these to the "under three" set that they aren't "recommended" for? Pretty Little Bare Feet is actually calm&gentle with most of her books&toys, most of the time, & she hasn't put any "choking hazards" in her mouth for months. So we've kind of just started buying toys based on her interest level, rather than on the "lawsuit prevention age recommendation." Or at least that's what I see it as. ;))
(Chrissa, American Girl of the Year 2009)
Anyway, so my mama (surprise, surprise) "flipped by" QVC one fall afternoon last year, & she happened to notice that they were doing a special collection with the American Girl of the Year, including
at a pretty great price.
(Now my mama swears she only "flips by" QVC these days, but she had good experiences shopping from them for years. Still, flipping by the channel long enough to actually stop & see what is being featured...Well, that is certainly more than I am doing, so I was grateful she spotted this special event, since I probably would not have otherwise been aware of it.)
Well, a funny thing often happens when you order something online, as most of you savvy internet shoppers can probably testify. You supply your email address for the order information, & then ding!, you've got mail! Half the time, whether or not you check the box requesting the email updates, you start getting the emails anyway, at least until you unsubscribe yourself.
(I happen to have an old email address that is primarily used for just this type of email, but I do try to check it & clean it out several times a week...& I am pretty careful about only continuing to receive emails that are worth checking.)
It annoys My Prince to no end that I occasionally just put down his email address when I order something online. He seems to think that this is some sneaky tactic of mine to get "hints" sent to his email address, but honestly I am just being lazy. It saves me the steps of opening up a "receipt" email & then forwarding it to the man who balances the checkbook. I figure that's one less email that I have to check&forward; & I honestly forget that sometimes despite my attention to unchecking the box requesting the emails, future emails may get sent to him anyway.
& so it happened that a couple months after we ordered the beautiful little American Girl of the Year collection last year, My Prince started getting emails from QVC. At first he deleted them with all of his other unopened emails that go straight to the trash. He figures it's faster to periodically delete them all, rather than going through the process of unsubscribing. Besides, the QVC emails aren't the invasive kind of retailer emails, where you feel like you get about ten a day.
(I'm looking at *you,* Victoria's Secret, whom I never even order from anymore!)
Then a funny thing happened. I decided I was pretty much done with Ulta (at least with our local one - I have had good experiences at other locations!), which meant ordering my beloved Philosophy bubble baths from an online retailer.
(Or waiting until I was someplace that actually had a decent selection to choose from, & stocking up on a surplus amount to keep on hand.)
After I had bemoaned my third or fourth awful experience at Ulta, My Prince happened to notice that the subject line of one of the QVC emails he was about to delete actually featured Philosophy products. & ever since that day, unless there is a special limited edition at Sephora or someplace, we've been replenishing my Philosophy bubble bath supply from QVC. As well as my Philosophy
(& the bubble baths I am referring to are really the 3-in-1 products, but I only use them for bubble bath. Unless I am traveling, in which case I will save space by also using it for a shampoo &/or shower gel...& it multitasks fine when I do that, too! Anyway, I could do a whole post on all of the products I love from Philosophy, but I am supposed to be posting about QVC...)
So then I started just plain old browsing the website whenever I was placing a Philosophy order, & I'd occasionally find a great deal on a gift for a child or something. Then I'd see something & think, "Oh, wow, I didn't know they carried that brand. I need to remember that."
& then I realize one day that I've actually sort of become a QVC shopper.
At first I am a bit horrified, as this is not the first area in which I've feared, "I'm becoming my mama."
(Not that that's a bad thing, as my mama is a lovely lady, but y'all know what I it sneaks up on you that you're not only becoming increasingly more domestic, your tastes are maturing in a manner that is more Martha Stewart - like your mama - than Urban Outfitters, like your hipper, younger downtown-dwelling friends. *Is* Urban Outfitters still hip, by the way?)
But then I realize, hey, what if there are others out there that haven't given QVC a chance because it makes them think of cat ladies...or old ladies...
(Not that my mama is either one, & she certainly wasn't when she actually ordered from QVC with regularity. But let's be honest, most of the callers that call in to those home shopping programs sound like my sweet old cat lady next-door neighbor, who is perfectly precious, but whose style I most certainly do not aspire to emulate.)
After I mentioned QVC a time or two at playgroup, I discovered that at least a couple of my momfriends were also quietly doing some QVC shopping. & they wore almost sheepish looks when they 'fessed up to giving in to a handbag deal or trying a new makeup brand. But what are we ashamed of, y'all? We brag about our Target finds, right? Well, QVC is absolutely worthy of that same kind of "OMG, look what I found! At QVC, of all places!" enthusiasm.
So although I will not go so far as to say that QVC is, in&of itself, a go-to place for all things fabulous; I do believe that you can find some unexpectedly fabulous goodies for yourself, & maybe even some preppy looks. Or get a jump-start on this year's Christmas shopping.
(Unless you're my mama, who began Christmas shopping for 2010 on December 26th, 2009.)
Boyfriend Jacket with Ruched Sleeves in Black by K-Dash by Kardashian
Pebble Leather Drawstring Hobo in Chocolate by Isaac Mizrahi Live!
(Possibly a nice way to honor the memory of our dear Bumpkin, if you have a gentleman you know who would look nice in this!)
Taffeta Plaid Pleated Party Skirt in Crimson by Isaac Mizrahi Live!
Oversized Plaid Wool Jacket by Tower Collection by London Fog
Equestrian Bangle Bracelet by KJL
"Lunchin' Ladies" Insulated Plaid Lunch Tote in Blue by Sachi
Crew Neck Printed Sweater in Coral by Elisabeth Hasselbeck for Dialogue
Military Style Cap in Red Tweed by Shop Intuition by Jaye Hersh
Striped Boyfriend Cardigan in Navy&White by Linea by Louis Dell'Olio
Patent Tie Detail Slip-on Boat Shoes in Shocking Pink by Isaac Mizrahi Live!
(all available at QVC)
T.G.I.F.! What do YOU want this weekend?
What I Want This Weekend
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Pink&Green Thursday, September 16th, 2010
I recently discovered the blog A Continuous Lean. I think I may have found it through the Preppy Princess - she is certainly a reliable gateway to many fantastic finds. =) I believe I first bookmarked the site back when I visited it via the Preppy Princess's posts on J. Crew's brilliant concept stores, which showcase homages to what the previous purposes for the locations were.
Anyway, I finally spent some time looking around A Continuous Lean, & I just love its crisp, subtle flow of cleanly edited, often preppy finds...which range from
to fashion
to photography..., well, automobiles. ;)
I think what intrigued me most about the blog is that I am generally pretty quick to dismiss menswear-focused sites because, well, even though I have&love my man, I am at heart a girly-girl that doesn't get wildly enthusiastic about guy's guy stuff.
(Don't get me wrong. I love my SEC football, & I do love to shop for My Prince...but since life is short, & I am always crunched for time because of my masochistically overfilled planner, I can't say I've ever found something so unabashedly masculine to be Google Reader -worthy before now.)
Pretty much all of these recent preptastic pink&green finds that I've been saving for today, are an indirect result of my browsing A Continuous Lean & then wandering off to sites its posts reference. Although most are from sites that I bookmarked ages ago, I just forget to peruse regularly for what's new!
(& I haven't even found the time yet to really delve into the links at A Continuous Lean. There's a treasure trove of interesting new sites to discover, I am sure!)
Alec Silk Chiffon Floral Skirt by Ralph Lauren Blue Label
Chief Joseph Muchacho Baby Blanket in Antique Rose by Pendleton Woolen Mills
Waterfloral Pastiche Delphinia Gown by J. Crew Collection
(It's on sale! It's on sale! Love that tunic, & it's on sale!)
Pink and Green Thursday,
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